The end of the school year is a time for measuring the impact of all the teams involved in the Students In Action (SIA) program. It's a chance for these future public service leaders to learn, share, and celebrate all that they have accomplished in their communities. Here are some highlights from the End-of-Year celebrations that took place around the country at the end of the 2023/24 school year.
On May 2nd the Greater Boston Chapter Multiplying Good held its End-of-Year Celebration at the Museum of Science for all participating SIA teams. With over 100 students in attendance, they recognized and celebrated each individual and enjoyed group presentations that highlighted their service projects. They had a total of 7 presentations during the day, with teams sharing projects that addressed a wide range of topics such as mental health, community violence, and school culture. One student said, “Before Students-In-Action, I could never share like this in front of so many people.” Another shared that “we’ve become more than just team members, we’ve become friends.” After the presentations were completed, the Saugus High School SIA team, which created a de-stress fest day for their school community and worked on creating a care closet, was chosen to represent the chapter at the Jefferson Awards in September!
On May 18, the Greater Chicago Chapter of Multiplying Good hosted over 40 students, advisors, parents, judges, and guests at the Chicago Students In Action (SIA) End-of-Year Celebration. Each team shared the impact of their projects.
Team Ebinger was selected to represent the Greater Chicago Chapter at the Jefferson Awards in September. The team collected over 500 items, assembled over 50 gift bags for children battling cancer, and planned and hosted a pediatric cancer awareness week in which the entire school participated. A different organization that raises money for cancer awareness was highlighted each day of the week. Team members also went to each classroom to teach other students about the gift item collection and the importance of supporting children. They also shared information in their school-wide newsletters and social media pages. This team of 24 students engaged with over 100 volunteers to impact numerous students, school administrators, cancer patients, and neighbors.
While the Ebinger team was the one chosen to represent the chapter in September, each team shared experiences that went beyond quantifiable outcomes and created a lasting impact on the students and their communities. All the SIA teams represent the best of Chicago youth.
On April 20th, twelve SIA teams participated in the Delaware Chapter of Multiplying Good's End-of-Year Celebration. The teams did a wide variety of projects for the benefit of their communities. Charter School of Wilmington hosted a Power Puff game benefiting Foster Well, an organization dedicated to assisting children in foster care. Caesar Rodney High School created a Charlton Student Day, a holiday party for 36 students in the Charlton program, an inclusion program for students with disabilities in their school district. St. Mark’s High School went on a service trip to the Dominican Republic in January, and student and adult volunteers brought donated medical supplies, participated in construction projects, volunteered in medical clinics, and participated in food distribution. Newark Charter High School conducted an environmental workshop with 2nd graders and hosted a Swap-n-Shop for students to trade gently used clothes. St. Elizabeth High School hosted a Thanksgiving food drive and its impact on their community and school. Sussex Technical High School presented their Diapers for DAPI project, where they collected baby products for gift bags of supplies for 16 young mothers.
The Caesar Rodney High School SIA was proudly chosen to represent the Delaware Chapter at the National Salute to Service this Fall!
On April 17th, the Indiana Students in Action (SIA) community came together for their End-of-Year Celebration at the Indiana Farm Bureau Football Center in the Indianapolis Colts Gridiron Hall. This inspiring event showcased nine teams presenting their youth-led service projects, reflecting a year of dedication, hard work, and community impact. The projects presented at the celebration covered a wide range of areas, each demonstrating significant impact and fostering student growth and learning. These initiatives highlighted the students' commitment to addressing community needs and their ability to lead meaningful change.
Each team presented their projects and several awards were presented to recognize extraordinary achievements. The event concluded with the announcement of Frankton High School as Indiana's 2024 Most Outstanding Team. They will proudly represent Indiana at the National Salute to Service in New York City this fall. Frankton's service efforts focused on food insecurity in their community, building and installing veggie bins and mini food pantry stands, maintaining their community garden, volunteering to provide meals for the homeless at the Christian Center in Anderson, and organizing a community Thanksgiving event to ensure everyone had access to a Thanksgiving meal.
A heartfelt thanks go to the esteemed judges who made this event possible: Shannon Frederick, Citizen's Energy Group; Bart Doan, JAG Indiana; Zach Weber, Purdue University; Elizabeth Moffett, Indiana Commission for Higher Education; A. Fay Barber-Dansby, Purdue University; and a special shout out to SIA alum Elijah Ybarra for donating his time to record each of the presentations for our teams.
The Indiana Students in Action End-of-Year celebration was a resounding success, honoring the remarkable efforts of students and their advisors. Their dedication to service and learning continues to inspire, setting a high standard for future initiatives. Congratulations to all the teams for their outstanding achievements and unwavering commitment to making a positive difference in our Indiana communities!
On May 2nd, the halls of Hennepin Tech buzzed with excitement as five exceptional teams gathered to celebrate the 2024 Minnesota Students In Action (SIA) End-of-Year Celebration. This annual event highlighted the incredible service projects undertaken by high school students across Minnesota, showcasing their dedication to addressing critical community issues.
The celebration featured inspiring presentations from each participating team. Champlin Park High School focused on mental health, presenting on a comprehensive initiative aimed at raising awareness and providing supportive resources to their peers. Robbinsdale Cooper High School's service work centered on breaking the chains of violence in their community and homes. Their projects were multi-faceted, all aimed at fostering understanding and unity to disrupt negative cycles. Blaine High School introduced an innovative mentoring program designed to engage the next generation in community service, fostering a culture of giving and civic responsibility. Andover High School addressed loneliness among the elderly, highlighting the profound benefits of intergenerational relationships and the importance of social connections.
The event was a testament to the power of youth-led service, demonstrating how these students are tackling relevant issues head-on and effecting positive change in their communities. Robbinsdale Cooper High School was chosen to represent the state at the National Salute to Service and Youth Summit in New York City this September. Their comprehensive service project included a range of initiatives aimed at building community unity and understanding. One poignant example shared was how a student provided crucial resources and information to help a woman escape a long-term abusive relationship, underscoring the real-world impact of their work.
The impact of these projects extends beyond measurable outcomes, fostering lasting change and strengthening the Minneapolis community. A heartfelt thank you goes out to Marcia Avner, Erwin Concepcion, Ginger Sisco, and the Minnesota Board for their dedication and hard work in making this celebration possible.
The 2024 Minnesota Students In Action End-of-Year Celebration was not just an event; it was a powerful reminder of what motivated, empowered youth can achieve when given the support and resources they need. These students are not only the leaders of tomorrow but the changemakers of today.
On May 21st, 60 youth, advisors, and judges from across New York City packed the classrooms of the Harlem Educational Activities Fund. At this touching End-of-Year Celebration, SIA leaders—some as young as 12 years old—showed tenacity and passion that was inspirational to everyone in the room. SIA participants brought us into each of their communities, sharing the gaps that exist and the solutions they created to fill them.
This year’s Most Outstanding team, M.S. 129, showed their Bronx pride by performing a hip-hop piece about their projects. The R.O.Y.A.L. Squad (Responsible Outstanding Young Achievers and Leaders)—as they affectionately call themselves—turned their would-be-discardables into another’s desirables. After the solar eclipse left them with extra glasses, and their library’s downsizing led to excess books, these thoughtful middle schoolers decided to donate both sets of items. Instead of throwing away perfectly useable books & eclipse glasses, they sent them to West Africa and Latin America respectively.
Earning the Deepest Community Impact award, Bushwick Leaders focused on the aging population of Brooklyn and beyond. They were determined to bring resources to individuals lacking them, and partnered with Meals on Wheels to pack, serve, and deliver nutritious food to those in need. They are also serving their fellow students, through a survey about current testing & grading policies, the results of which they plan to present to the Principal.
After hearing the amazing work of Bushwick Leaders & M.S. 129, Longwood Prep, the Flushing International School, and the School Without Walls were inspired to share their stories of service as well. Hailing from the Bronx, Queens, and Lower Manhattan, these students affected change on climate justice, immigration adjustment, and social-emotional learning. They were all inspired by each other’s impact, and excited to do more in the next school year.
On May 19th, over 45 youth, advisors, and judges from across New Jersey attended the New Jersey Chapter of Multiplying Good's End-of-Year Celebration. At this powerful culminating event, SIA participants presented their stories of impact at Jersey City’s own Hudson County Community College. Each team shared their projects in innovative ways including a mock talk show, an interactive quilt creation, Service Wheel of Fortune, and a mock UN Assembly. These SIA leaders served tirelessly in their communities, teaching us that though there’s a lot of work to be done, no act of kindness is too small. Each team made their presence known in their communities by working on issues of climate justice, food sovereignty, connecting the disconnected, recycling, international development, and more. Not only did these amazing young people tackle challenging topics, but they did so in ways that were interesting and fun to them.
The Student Choice and Most Outstanding team, Secaucus Cares, took their impact internationally this year! Reflecting on their previous work done in the States, they leveled up their projects, effecting change in Panama, Nigeria, and Indonesia. In each country, they worked on different issues such as education, food security, and disaster relief. This year’s Rookie of the Year, High Tech High School, hosted a “Food 4 Thought” event where they wrapped 250 sandwiches for the Hoboken Shelter, carried out a school supply drive resulting in 49 bags getting donated to the Triangle Park Community Center, distributed over 400 hygiene kits, and partnered with Staples to properly recycle close to 1,500 markers and pens. Last year’s New Jersey Chapter representatives, Konnekt Global, were awarded Outstanding Leadership for their “Konnekting Generations”. This project was born out of their own family cross-generational relationships. These thoughtful youth created bonds with aging adults, helping them socialize and use technology, while the students listened to the wisdom they had to offer. Operation Grow earned the Deepest Impact award for its work educating the team and others about sustainable food sources through urban gardening and the use of climate art projects to make learning more fun. These amazing projects from the four teams resulted in over 8,000 hours of service and impacted over 30,000 people across the world!
On April 25, 2024, passionate young servant leaders and enthusiastic supporters gathered at the Allegheny Intermediate Unit in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for the Students In Action (SIA) End-of-Year Celebration. Nine local SIA teams from across Pennsylvania showcased their service projects to over 100 attendees, including student peers, ChangeMakers, board members, sponsors, and community leaders. These projects were presented live to a panel of community judges for a chance to represent the region at Multiplying Good’s prestigious Salute to Service in New York City this September.
The event was more than a competition; it was a platform for students to reflect on their service journey, celebrate their achievements, and inspire their peers. The Neighborhood Academy (TNA) was selected as the Pennsylvania 2024 National Representative SIA team. Their project focused on teen mental health, with initiatives like the "Welcome to TNA De-Stress Event" for incoming 6th graders and the annual "Community Slam," which brought together over 16 organizations and 3 SIA teams to support young people in need.
TNA also launched "Mental Health Mondays," a campaign to raise awareness of mental health issues. Their involvement in the PA Youth Advocacy Network's Day of Advocacy in Harrisburg and participation in a mental health panel highlighted their continuous efforts to educate, advocate, and serve their peers. Their comprehensive approach to teen mental health made them a beacon of hope and change, ready for the national competition. The encouragement extended beyond the celebration, as many teams attended each other’s service events and offered support. Congratulations to all SIA teams for sharing your stories of service, creating a ripple effect of positive change in your communities, and multiplying good in your region and the world!
What an incredible school year of service learning from Multiplying Good’s Students In Action (SIA) throughout the San Francisco Bay Area! The amazing young people from Oakland Unity, Burlingame, Berkeley, Oakland Military Institute, De La Salle, Carondelet, Pioneer, Salesian Preparatory, and El Camino High School were celebrated for their dedication and hard work to make their communities and our world a better place. And congratulations to San Leandro High School who was awarded "Most Outstanding Team" for the 2023/2024 school year and will represent the Bay Area in NYC this fall at Multiplying Good's National Salute to Service!
San Leandro High School’s SIA Team embarked on monthly projects to promote volunteerism and support neighboring communities. The 15 team members generated over 700 hours of service, impacted over 900 individuals, and engaged over 1,000 people in their service activities. Initiatives included hosting a volunteer fair, organizing fundraising runs, tree planting, bike repairs, anti-vaping campaigns, a canned food drive, a Giving Tree fundraiser, community clean-ups, tutoring sessions, and educational initiatives.
On Wednesday, April 17th, 2024, the South Carolina Chapter of Multiplying Good hosted an incredible End-of-Year Celebration. With more than 200 in attendance, it was an inspirational day filled with passion and inspiration. Seven brave and hardworking teams competed in the Banner Pathway and two additional teams attended and had the privilege to serve as guest judges. Ultimately 2 teams left with a Silver Banner and 5 left with a gold banner. But only one school was named the Most Outstanding SIA team representing the Southeast Region and it was the returning national champs, Ashley Ridge High School from the Lowcountry. They presented their Education Renaissance event, which was designed to help reignite a love of learning for elementary students affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Their project was designed by students for students, and was filled with all sorts of incredibly creative stations that local elementary students could visit that helped light a passion for learning in all who attended. Some other exemplary teams include Lexington High for winning the Student Choice Award and Community Impact Award, North Charleston High for winning the Legacy Award, Ashley Smith from Ashley Ridge High for winning the Advisor of the Year Award, and Caleb Richardson from Wren High for winning the Heather Love Exemplary Student Leadership Award. Congratulations to all the SIA teams this year!